Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Images Over The Years


Another post in the same day, crazy!
So I have just gone through a lot of my photographs I have taken over the last couple of years, and picked out my favourites.
Unfortunately there isn't that many of them! I would love for any of you who happen to read this to tell me what your favourites are. You never know I might even do a graph to show the results. Geek!
Thanks you,


  1. My favourite from this selection is the Castlewellan one :) I like how there's so much in it to look at but it still remains simple and uncluttered. It rolls and flows from the tufts of grass at the bottom right up to the main building and lovely sky. Also I like the angle you've shot with even though normally I prefer straight shots. How you love them angles ;) I'll have to go through your portfolio to pick out my all time fav though!!

  2. Hey G,
    Thanks for taking the time to write on my blog :)
    yeah then Castlewellan one is pretty cool, that's the HDR multiple exposure thing.
    I like the wee blue profile angle you have, cute :)

  3. The portrait shots in general really capture a mood - even the one of me at the piano. I love the one of Jill because it looks so natural, but the ones of Gord and Patricia are fantastic in a more stylized way. You approach each of the subjects uniquely and capture a real sense of the individual. I also have fond memories of the blue ice shoot. It's great to see how you've experimented and matured. Keep it up!
