Sunday 2 October 2011


When I get a lonely day off it tends to be very dangerous, I try to get some work done, some tidying done, and then I go off on a contemplative mood.
   I have all sorts of thoughts of having my ideal gallery again, I would love to have a real peoples gallery, giving everyone the chance to exhibit their work no matter how weird and wacky, it's only weird and wacky to the people who don't understand it. How about a gallery that displays mobile photography images at least once a month. We are never without our mobile devices these days, and most have a camera on them. Clarity of image doesn't matter, it's all about content, and the best subject matter always pops up when we least expect it, therefore we've got to be prepared for it. The mobile phone is always in our pockets, so how about we use it for creativity instead of texting as we walk without taking in any of our environment whatsoever!
   I would also like the gallery to be a really inspiring place to be, how great would it be if people left thinking, I want to do that, I want my work in here, and I want to bring all my friends back to see it. I believe anyone can be creative, and we get a buzz from it, it's healthy and definitely has a kind of therapy element to it.

Food for thought.....


Tuesday 20 September 2011


Feels like I have a lot on these days, but really all I want to do is take time off and sleep!
Feeling very mentally & physically drained and really need to be in the opposite state of mind right now. Got a dissertation section deadline, and wondering when I'll feel motivated to get my finger out!
Haven't felt great this week, so perhaps that's why I'm just a bit down on myself.
Badly need to get in a better frame of mind...
Don't like negative posts, so think I'll stop now... Ill have better chat next time!


Friday 9 September 2011

Bucket List


Thought I'd write up a couple of the things I've struck off my Bucket List
1) Have a Photography Exhibit, well this is in the pipeline!
2) Stay in a 5 star Hotel, done, twice!
3) complete a counseling course
4) finish my photography HND
5) go back to Oz, also in the pipeline
6) eat lobster
7) paint
8) eat in a Michelin star restaurant
9) visit more art galleries

Not bad I reckon, and to be honest some of the others on there aren't so important anymore.
I think I need to revise it... Isn't it funny how things that seemed important once don't hold much value in time.


Saturday 3 September 2011

Friday 2 September 2011

My dissertation and the subconscious

I bought the book yesterday and couldn't wait to get reading it for a few reasons, number one I have a dissertation deadline looming, and this could be a good reference point. I also never tend to remember my dreams and would love a guide to help in this area too.
    I only managed to read some of it, but by golly it's interesting, so far it's written from a very objective view point, sort of covering lots of opinions and leaving it up to the reader to make their own mind up. Opinions like, are dreams just gobbledegook, and a way for us to simply dump unwanted memories, or are they a way for us to solve the problems of our days gone by, is it a place where all of our creative juices are brought together after heavy suggestion from our conscious mind throughout the day.
  What has interested me is that it is important to try and remember our dreams, no matter what they mean. If we can perhaps use these images in the creative process, like many artist gone by have, or if we can use visions to spark off business ideas, to help us be different people, or just look at things differently I see it as all great progress.
   I am sure you are wondering, did I remember my dreams last night? Well I read the book before bed, and there were some techniques to try, and imagery on the pages to help promote dreaming. So I'm happy to say yes! Yes I did remember some dreams. I'm not sure if it was because I was off today and didn't get rudely awakened by an alarm and I woke up naturally. But I certainly had visions, and I made a point of scribbling what I saw down. According to the book, 8 minutes after we are awake we already drop down to 30% of what we can remember! I am not going to write about what I was dreaming, because that is just for me, but for now I'm going to continue to practice techniques on helping me to remember, I would also love to hear some of your dream stories...

Happy sleeping!


Thursday 25 August 2011


So one of my frames arrived, above it looks like I got a load of them, but unfortunately so far I only have the one, I just put different pictures in the same frame! I'm really happy with it, it's clean and simple, and the mount works really well. Only ordered the one as of yet as I wanted to see if they were any good... (I will be ordering more)!

I have actually heard back from a gallery, they wouldn't do an exhibit, but have showed interest in a few images, so I'm going up there to show them some tomorrow.I think it's more of a cafe place with a gallery as well, but I'll find out soon enough.
The Black Box are taking their time getting back to me, so in the meantime I've emailed Blick Studios, I actually quite like their setup, and I can bring all my own drink to the opening night. So things are moving slowly, but at least they are moving!
Getting excited!


Friday 19 August 2011


Good morning,

I am pretty disappointed to find I'm getting nowhere regarding finding a gallery space for my work. Perhaps I haven't quite tried hard enough, but it's still rather disheartening to receive no responses.
What it does do however, is make me think again of having my own gallery. I would love to be the peoples gallery, the supportive place, the place that always welcomes new art no matter what the medium.
Last night I was at the Ormeau Baths, there was an event on that encouraged people to come in, photograph and video diary a piece of art they had made. My friend Jill and I both brought something.. Hope you can see our little extracts at the bottom there...

It was fun to do something a little different. It let's us see that there are a lot of passionate people out there that deserve to show their work off to like minded people.
So is this my calling, should I be trying hard to make a difference and make something happen...

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