Time for another update!
Just been out for a lovely mothers days lunch, I have lots of work to do, but just waiting for the few glasses of wine to wear off before I get to it ;)
I am currently very very keen to do a world trip, and to document it with a polaroid and a blog, I'd also like to take a proper SLR with me, but the main focus would be on the polaroid. I'd like to follow it up on my return with a book on the entire adventure. It's fills me with lots of inspiration, I know I'm not much of a writer, but I would try and do as much of a written accompaniment as possible. I would need to think of a theme though... something like how much we don't know about how other people live, how we are so caught up in our own lives, we have blinkers on, and turn a blind eye to suffering and what hardship really is... Or something like a day in the life of people from different cultures.
I'd love to know what you think of this idea.. give me some feedback please.
Kaz x